
End of Week 2

We arrived back at headquarters from Clifty Falls late this afternoon. After our emotional day spent watching "Schindler's List" yesterday, we used our evening hours to play games, giving us a chance to get to know each other better. A good game of "Apples to Apples" will do that for you. I can't think of a quicker way to determine a person's sense of humor than a rousing hand or two of the game. (Especially when you've played "52 card pick-up" before even playing the game because someone--and I won't name names--scattered all of the million cards from the game onto the floor when picking up the box.)

This morning we packed our belongings, stowed them in the vehicles, and then completed the last session of the week. In this session, we had the opportunity to view clips from the movies, "Not Without My Daughter", "Kite Runner", and "Trade". I've never seen any of these movies (although as a movie about Mexican children who'd been trafficked, the latter is already on my Netflix queue). I'm not entirely sure why, but these movies, particularly the first, rendered me an emotional mess. Perhaps I should just always travel with a giant Kleenex box with me wherever I go when talking or learning about this particular subject.

It's strange to think that we're already half-way through with our training. Next week I will begin my third week of training and the independent (country specific) study I'm required to complete as well. While I have learned, over the years, a few things about Mexican history and culture, I'm looking forward to learning even more as I prepare for my studies. I'm also anticipating, yet dreading, the research I'll need to do on human trafficking in Mexico. I've recently become aware that it is actually happening. Sometimes I think it would be much easier to bury my head in the sand and pretend it doesn't exist. Like ostriches. But I can't. God has called me specifically to the people of Mexico City. And I believe He has recently called me to service in this particular ministry. So as much as I want to pretend it doesn't exist, I know that it does. And I know that something must be done about it. The church must learn about it and how they can stop it. I believe God is laying this on my shoulders. Please pray with me that He will show me exactly what He wants me to do. Pray that doors are opened for me to be able to share with the churches and possibly even the seminary students about this issue.

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